Robert Reid Award

Today I attended the Sixth Robert R. Reid Award Presentation.

The award went to William Rueter, of Aliquando Press.

William Rueter is a private printer, hand binder, and printmaker living in Dundas, Ontario.

He established his private press, The Aliquando Press, in 1963.

It was just great to hear him speak about his influences,work. Very inspiring. I loved his love for books.

I love the interview conducted by Rollin Milroy of Heavenly Monkey press. It was so nice listening to their exchange. It felt like eavesdropping to two old friend chatting about their love of books and printing.

Outside the conference room we did what printers do best and hung up a few broadsheets.
I had my own piece up there printed with my own letterpress.

SFU Harbour Centre


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