Internet freedom

Internet providers are throttling access to the web. By doing this they are actually not just performing a technical action but at the same time a political one. It should not be left to internet providers to make decisions what is worthy on the net or not. For the sake of democracy such decisions must not be left in the hands of companies, who only act with their own interest in mind.
Have a look at the following quote from

“We must convince the CRTC to stop big telecoms from controlling our access to the Internet. Bell, Rogers and other large ISPs cannot be allowed to continue serving their own interests by \”throttling\” Internet traffic.

The decisions made by the CRTC will signal Canada\’s digital destiny. Your submission could make the difference in whether we have a closed gatekeeper Internet or open online access and innovation.

Remember that you must make your submission before Feb. 16. Please take a few seconds to tell the CRTC that you alone should
control your Internet surfing.”

Take action


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